What Really Happened At Sandy Hook?

We’re going to examine both sides of the controversy.  Did the shootings actually take place where 20 children & 6 staff members were killed or was this a hoax to promote more gun control.  We’ll start with Wikipedia’s extensive background.


No one seems very upset, do they?

This animation lacks critical details.

This one is on script.

The photo used in this clip of children being led out single file, has been traced back to a drill that took place a week before the incident.

Here is the edited CNN report of Robby Parker’s press conference about his dead daughter.  Notice not a single tear.

Here is the local, raw footage of the same press conference.  Notice Parker smiling & smirking before facing the cameras.

Commentary on same interview.

CNN’s Anderson Cooper interviews victim Gracie McDonnell’s parents.  Even Cooper seems nonplussed by their giddy, giggling response.